Sunday, January 26, 2014

Game - Misc. Tomb Raider Level Editor Screenshots

I work on a lot of projects at one time. It keeps my busy, which is both good and bad. I'm always working, but projects take a while to finish (for those that do get finished).

Here are various screenshots of works I've done over the past year or so. Despite the rigid block-like nature of the editor, I think I'd made interesting things.

Normally, I'd give a full list of credits, but the list would be entirely too long for this particular post, but any outside resources that are not mine personally, I do not claim them as my own. However, the overall designs and compositions of my the spaces, as well as gameplay, is my own work.

Silent Echoes
Silent Echoes
Silent Echoes
Collapsed Mine Shaft
Bamboo Forest
Bamboo Forest
Color Theory
Color Theory
Color Theory
Color Theory
Color Theory
Research and Development
Research and Development
Back to Basic Competition - Northern Legends

1 comment:

  1. Color theory seems nice, is there a place where I could play it?
